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These are codes that I have posted on various forums/discord.

I release scripts for free, they work on the servers I use them on.

Auto Follow

01/01/20 | 10K
This will auto follow the player named in the textbox.
If you activate follow change it will change the target when you follow someone and your char moves position

Container Config

23/11/21 | 6.7K
If you play Evolunia, I have added open lootbag if it isn't open.

A modified version of this script is now built into vBot.
You can now open all backpacks in your inventory or just selected.
Its possible to overwrite your current backpacks. If you add a red backpack to the list it...

Auto Party + Exp Share

09/10/21 | 5.9K
New version released
The newest version can listen for players moving so they don't need to go off screen.
create a new file in your bot config. eg: autoparty.lua and copy the code into there.
A older smaller version is also on down below. oldautoparty.lua.

Buff Cast

19/06/24 | 4.1K
This is used for spells from OxygenOT.
Utito, Recovery, Party.
Allows you to select which vocation you play.

Kill Count

16/10/21 | 3.9K
This tracks the amount of kills per session
use killList = {} to clear the list.
Added new interface and added reset button.
This will only work if your server is sending loot messages from monsters. - example Fire elemental won't be tracked.

AutoLoader- vBot extensions

24/12/21 | 3.8K
This allows you to drag and drop extensions into vBot without editing the vBot cavebot.lua file to load them.
- Find the file CONFIGNAME\vBot\cavebot.lua
- Find the line --dofile("/cavebot/extension_template.lua")
- Add the code below on the line below it.
This ...

In-game timers

29/03/22 | 3.8K
Self Explanatory
If you get a global 'os' (a nil value error). This is because you are using an old game_bot file.
Check the second file down below for the fix

Damage Highscores

19/10/21 | 3.7K
Shows ingame max damage against creature and players.
Mode (line 50) will need to be set according to your server.
OxygenOT uses 28. Other servers use 21 for damage dealt. Just uncomment -- warn(mode) and attack something and it will show you which number you need to enter.

Click modal window

10/06/21 | 3.5K
This allows you to click an activate modal window if default button has been set to enter.
Change the name to the name of the item you want.
There are 3 version to this. Each does it owns thing.
1: clicks a modal window when it has title "teleports" (this needs onModalDialog callback f...

UI Container Drag Drop

04/11/22 | 3.4K
Updated UI.Container to allow you to drag and drop into the first slot (always empty). Github
You will also need the image (On the github link or make your own).

Skills Hud

24/08/22 | 3.3K
Adds a skills HUD to the client. You can remove skills you don't want to see and customise colours for each skill.
If you have added the game_bot changes to your client, use the first file, hud_updated.lua, if not use hud_timer.lua.

The first file will not work without the changes...

vBot Alarms

29/09/21 | 3.2K
Add - Ignore Party, warn name
This is based on vBot 3.45

Drop items multiple locations

10/10/21 | 3.1K
This allows you to specify multiple locations to drop items.
If your char is within "dropDistance" it will drop the items to that location.

Levitate - vBot extension

09/04/22 | 3K
This allows you to add a "Levitate" button inside the bot.

-direction will auto detect from which way your char is facing when pressing levitate button.
-floor is the current floor (if a floor change is detected it will proceed on).
-spell name can be custom exani hur by default...

Use same config for all chars

22/06/24 | 3K
This will allow you to use multiple storage files for the same bot config
Open your OtClient folder and open \modules\game_bot\bot.lua

Find the text -- storage and replace with the code below.
You can then copy the contents of your previous storage.json into the new file an...

Autoloot on Look

08/11/21 | 3K

Charm Equipper - (onHotkey)

01/01/20 | 3K
Add this your bot config file stored in %appdata%\OTClientV8\
Charm purse and the Charm storage backpack must be open.

Last Exiva

30/05/22 | 2.9K
This will cast Exiva on the last person you exiva'd as long as the chat can be read.
You will need to replace the mode values with your servers values.
I will not be supporting this. - so do not even ask.

Use Item Around

01/01/20 | 2.9K

Reopen Backpack

26/05/21 | 2.9K
First will auto open on a timer
Second will auto open when first container closes.

Cavebot follow toggle

25/06/24 | 2.9K
This turns off Cavebot if player is off screen, allows follow char to catch up.

Move green text to channel

01/01/20 | 2.8K
Add first edits to: modules/game_textmessage/textmessage.lua
Add the second edit to your bot config.

Evolunia collecting

01/01/20 | 2.7K
This one does all the collecting, boxes, essences, portals.
Change "useLunia = true" to "useLunia = false" if you use the OTC client for walking etc. delete between the lines at the top if you already have those functions in your macro config.

Discord Webhook

14/05/22 | 2.6K
This will allow you to send Webhook messages to a discord server.
I have no plans to help you set it up.
If you find a bug let me know.

TargetBot Toggle

25/06/21 | 2.6K

gamebot hotkey

18/12/22 | 2.5K
This allows you to add hotkey to the game_bot.
You can either modify the game_bot itself to add the hotkey or add it to a bot config.

Ammo Slot Counter Label

10/10/21 | 2.4K
This adds a label to the rightSlot so you can count your ammo.
This is only an example but it works for burst arrows.

TargetBot Blacklist

24/07/21 | 2.4K
Add blacklisted items to TargetingBot.
Example from 1.3

Actionbar per character

24/06/24 | 2.4K
edit game_actionbar\actionbar.lua.
- Add new function
- Find functions online()/refresh() and modify code as required.
Just replace

settingsFile = modules.client_profiles.getSettingsFilePath("actionbar_v2.json")


settingsFile = copyUserActionBars()

Summon Vocation Familiar

26/05/21 | 2.4K
This uses functions from Vithrax's Library.

Exercise Dummy - Ext

01/07/22 | 2.4K
Allows you to use an exercise wand on a training dummy from the cavebot. (or any other items on something else, searches for item on screen.)
To install see my Auto extension loader code here

vBot item loot list

11/11/21 | 2.4K
Add these to the targetbot\looting.lua file
These are just examples and I will not be supporting them.
If you don't know how they work then you have no need to use them.

game_market Sell State

17/05/22 | 2.3K
This allows you to see the state of your auctions from the in-game market.

Use nearby doors

19/10/21 | 2.3K
This will use doors nearby, use with MC on follow.

Creatures HP Percentage

01/07/21 | 2.3K
Shows HP Percent on Change of Creature/Player when within 5 squares.

Open next container

12/09/21 | 2.3K
This will open the next backpack if only contains 1 item and iscontainer. Second script will open the next backpack if full.

Level Check - vBot extension

02/04/22 | 2.2K
This allows you to add a "level check" button inside the bot.
To install see my Auto extension loader code here
Level greater than:
Level Range:

Open Backpacks Minimised

01/05/21 | 2.2K

Goto Label when player on screen

04/07/23 | 2.2K
When a player appears on screen, make cavebot goto label.

Smarter skull targeting

01/01/20 | 2.2K
This will target creatures with a black skull first, then other skulls and then lowest health found.

Auto Mount

01/01/20 | 2.2K
Add this to your bot config. First will check mount every 5 seconds outside of PZ and mount if not mounted.
Second will check for mount everytime you move.

Hide Trees

19/10/21 | 2.1K
This will change trees into bushes (for finding loot bags). It only changes what you see.
Just add the ID to the tree array.

Use Divine Dazzle

25/03/22 | 2.1K
Updated this to look for blood rage cooldown and also look for certain monsters, the older version is still underneath.
This will cast the spell if there are 2 or more creatures between 2-6 squares away and have more than 5-% mana.

Stand - vBot extension

02/04/22 | 2.1K
This allows you to add a stand button inside the bot so you can tell bot to stand 1 square away from where you are facing.
To install see my Auto extension loader code here

Drop to Pos

01/01/20 | 2.1K

Death Counter

10/04/22 | 2K
This adds a death counter to your bot, so you can logout if you die too many times.

Drop - vBot extension

07/11/22 | 2K
This allows you to add a drop button inside the bot so you can tell bot to drop an item to location you are facing (when you click the button).
To install see my Auto extension loader code here

Active cooldown print (onHotkey)

12/06/22 | 2K
This will print in chat the number of any active cooldowns.
I used this for my spell caster to get all the IDs of unknown spells on custom servers such as Evolunia

Position onLook

01/01/20 | 2K
Look messages are generated server side, but the message for look is mode 20, so you can listen for mode 20 textmessages and then just get the position from the tile under your cursor.

Drop item to Mouse

01/01/20 | 2K
This will drop an item to mouse cursor position on hotkey press.

XenoBot Menu

26/02/22 | 2K
This will create a right click menu similar to Xenobot. If you use vBot, this feature is already built in and will break this if its enabled.

Loader All

10/10/22 | 1.9K
This allows you to have a single folder called .all, which contains the normal every day scripts, follow, party, etc etc in my %appdata%\otclientv8\CLIENT\bot folder.
This allows for cross profile scripts with only 1 edits needed, then just drop the code into Loader_All.lua (code modified from ...

Bot Tabs Example

17/11/21 | 1.9K
This will allow you to add tabs to your bot. I will not be supporting this.
This is an example only. If you do not know how to use it, then you shouldn't be using it.
Its not perfect but its an example. If you are coding your own interfaces you will know what to do with it.
You d...

Creature Distance from Player

24/08/22 | 1.9K
Shows text on a creature with distance from player.

Active cooldown print (onSpellCast)

01/01/20 | 1.8K
This will print in chat the number of any active cooldowns when you cast a spell
I used this for my spell caster to get all the IDs of unknown spells on custom servers such as Evolunia

NPC interact right click

02/10/21 | 1.8K
If you use the newest version of OTCv8 this will work without downloading the updated game-bot.
It needs onAttackingCreatureChange which is in the newer version.
I have included an updated Which is just based off the one included in Evolunia right now as it uses a ...

Combobox Parent Width

25/04/22 | 1.7K
This allows you to set the width of a comboox to match the parent size.
This then lets you set the combo box for all the configs in the bot to have a scroll bar and width match the parent to see longer names

Ping Monitor

08/05/22 | 1.7K
This only works if you client can already read the ping. if you see Ping: ?? then it won't work.
This monitors your ping every x seconds to look for spikes in ping.
I had used this for looking for lag spikes on servers.
Export Pings button, prints all pings and times to terminal window...

Toggle Auto-reconnect

26/05/21 | 1.7K
changeReconnect(true) or changeReconnect(false)

Rename Backpack/Container Names

26/05/21 | 1.7K
First script will rename all open backpacks.
Second will rename the container on open.

Fight Mode Toggle

12/06/21 | 1.7K
Toggles current fight mode depending on amount of mobs around.

Login Next Character

01/07/21 | 1.6K
Clicking the button will login the next character in your character list.

Close LoginAdvice

16/03/22 | 1.6K
This will close the For Your information.

Drop extra pots

05/10/21 | 1.6K
This was requested, only quickly tested let me know if any issues.

Open PMs in new tab

01/05/21 | 1.6K
Opens any new PMS in a new tab, (i like to be able to see the chat in console as well as i'm usually on default, so toggling that option stopped seeing them in the main tab.) I'm sure there's a shorter way of doing this.

minimap pos

12/06/22 | 1.6K
Adds coords to minimap, allows you to copy mouse cursor tile location to clipboard using a hotkey.

Choose Outfit

09/08/21 | 1.6K
Uses the outfit window randomise to select an outfit.
I don't recommend you use this but its just an example on how to use other modules.

Talk To Npc on Attack

01/07/21 | 1.6K
Target an NPC to say Hi, Trade.

Walk on monster soul

14/10/21 | 1.6K
This will walk on monster souls when added to map.

Read FYI popup

24/03/22 | 1.5K
Reads text in a popup FYI window.

App Title+Char Name

12/05/22 | 1.5K
This module renames the client to appname + character name.
Tested on Mehah and OTclientv8

GotoLabel onTextMessage

26/03/22 | 1.5K
This will read a message and goto a label if kills = 0

Find Teleport - vBot extension

02/04/22 | 1.5K
This allows you to add a "Find teleport" button inside the bot.
To install see my Auto extension loader code here

Change FPS

05/10/21 | 1.5K
This changes the current FPS to whatever value you want without sliding the slider.

Offline Alert Module

06/10/22 | 1.5K
This module allows you to get alerted when you go offline.
Drag and drop into modules folder, reload client and turn on the sound icon in the top left bar. You need to login with it enabled.

config hash to clipboard

29/05/22 | 1.5K
This copies the hash of a success config upload in vbot to clipboard.

Debug - Get Outfit

12/03/22 | 1.5K
This allows you to get the outfit of a creature/player/npc and print it to debug in a right click menu. I used this for finding values for outfits of existing creatures without having to go through the monster files.
Just add this to your client game_interface under the right click menu .

Bot Quick config change

19/09/21 | 1.5K
This allows you to quickly switch config.
I used to have it so on player in war attacked it would switch to war profile.

Broadcast Chat

01/08/23 | 1.5K
This allows you to view/chat and the last 10 message in a panel.
This is just a few already released scripts joined together.

BotServer send position

10/06/21 | 1.4K
This uses OTClient bot server, setup with Vitrax config.vBot
on pagedown press it'll send the position of current player to bot server and all chars will try to run to that pos.

Colour Names

19/02/22 | 1.4K
This will colour monster names based on the names and values you set in the list.

Use Item Infront

21/03/22 | 1.4K
Auto uses top item infront of the player.


06/08/22 | 1.4K
Adds a mouse scroll "hotkey" to the game window.

Hide Buttons

22/10/23 | 1.4K
This will hide buttons in the game_buttons container

OrangeText Alert

25/07/21 | 1.3K
alerts player when keyword is found as OrangeText.
Your orangetext may have a different mode. uncomment the warn if you need to find the mode id.

Find Chat in channel

26/05/21 | 1.3K

Switch Next Char

01/05/21 | 1.3K

Use Lever on Item Drop

27/12/21 | 1.3K
This will use a lever to the left of player if an item is dropped at the set location.

Cut - vBot extension

24/12/21 | 1.3K
This allows you to add a "cut" button inside the bot. (face the web/bars and press the button)
Edit your CONFIGNAME\vBot\cavebot.lua add this line as you would with other extensions.
create a file CONFIGNAME\cavebot\cut.lua and add code below.

Exchange Tokens

09/07/21 | 1.3K
Exchanges tokens when 1000 found in open backpacks.

Get Outfits from Tile

26/07/22 | 1.3K
Get outfit of all creatures on tile onKeyPress

Warn on Specific Creature Appear

01/07/21 | 1.3K
Alerts when a creature with [B] in the name appears.

Shovel - vBot extension

24/12/21 | 1.2K
This allows you to add a shovel button inside the bot. (face the hole and press the button)
Edit your CONFIGNAME\vBot\cavebot.lua add this line as you would with other extensions.
create a file CONFIGNAME\cavebot\shovel.lua and add code below...

Simple Loot Channel

17/10/23 | 1.2K
This displays loot in a separate tab.

BotServer Updates

11/03/24 | 1.2K
There was an issue with the BotServer that was causing it to crash clients. It would try to initiate a connection 5000 times in 10 seconds, which would just keep pushing new operations into HTTP. Operations until it crashed.

This was a quick fix to fix it (it could be improved) but I add...

Skull on Screen

25/02/22 | 1.2K
This will stop the CaveBot if a monster with skull is on screen.

Orb Counter

17/11/21 | 1.2K
This counts orbs when you stand on them.

Clear Channel

26/05/21 | 1.1K
call: clearChannel('Server Log')

Hold Invisible

19/03/22 | 1.1K
This will hold a player invisible by casting utani vid when not invisible.

Rope - vBot extension

24/12/21 | 1.1K
This allows you to add a "rope" button inside the bot. (face the web/bars and press the button)
Edit your CONFIGNAME\vBot\cavebot.lua add this line as you would with other extensions.
create a file CONFIGNAME\cavebot\rope.lua and add code below...

Evolunia Print Centre

10/05/22 | 1.1K
This will output to terminal the location you teleport after going into a spawn.
Format "x_y_z", -- Area

Close Channel

01/07/21 | 1.1K
Closes a Channel Tab

Use Shovel on Sand

24/12/21 | 1K
This uses a shovel on sand and goes down a hole if hole exists.
It needs to be added to your existing cavebot file (cavebot_configs\filename.cfg) or the functions remade in the GUI,
-first position is the position next to hole.
-g_map.getTile position is thehole position

Cut Webs/Wooden Bars

01/07/21 | 1K
Searches around a player for webs/wooden bars and repeat cuts the first found until broken.

Cap Check - vBot extension

12/07/23 | 1K
This allows you to add a "capacity check" button inside the bot.
To install see my Auto extension loader code here

CaveBot/TargetBot hotkey Toggle (Esc)

01/02/24 | 864
Hotkey to toggle CaveBot/TargetBot on and off

CaveBot Mana Delay

08/06/24 | 852
Toggles vBot CaveBot based on mana amount.

Firebomb behind distance

23/07/23 | 792
This shoots firebomb behind the player x amount of squares.

Miniwindow fix

17/06/23 | 738
This fixes the miniwindow issue that a few of the older clients has. (Evolunia)
Just open your terminal window (ctrl + t) and paste in the script below, then relog your character.

Vocation Selector

22/06/24 | 146
Until Oxygen server allows you to player:getVocation() this will allow you to select your vocation and then use it in your scripts.