Evolunia Print Centre
This will output to terminal the location you teleport after going into a spawn.
Format "x_y_z", -- Area
Script made by Lee (Discord: l33_) - www.trainorcreations.com
If you want to support my work, feel free to donate at https://trainorcreations.com/donate
PS. Stop ripping off my work and selling it as your own.
findCenter = macro(100000, 'Print Centre', function() end)
onTextMessage(function(mode, text)
if findCenter:isOff() then return end
if mode ~= 20 then return end
if not text:find("You've been teleported.*") then return end
local regex = [[You've been teleported to the ([^.,]+)]]
local re = regexMatch(text, regex)[1]
if not re[1] then return end
schedule(10, function()
local p = g_game.getLocalPlayer():getPosition()
if p then
print('"'.. p.x ..'_'..p.y..'_'..p.z..'" -- ' .. re[2])
10 May 2022