Orb Counter
This counts orbs when you stand on them.
Script made by Lee (Discord: l33_) - www.trainorcreations.com
If you want to support my work, feel free to donate at https://trainorcreations.com/donate
PS. Stop ripping off my work and selling it as your own.
function matchPos(pos, pos2)
return pos2.x == pos.x and pos2.y == pos.y and pos2.z == pos.z
local orbCount = 0
orbCounter = UI.Label("Orbs collected: ".. orbCount)
onRemoveThing(function(tile, thing)
if thing:getId() == 31601 then
if matchPos(pos(), thing:getPosition()) then
orbCount = orbCount + 1
orbCounter:setText("Orbs collected: ".. orbCount)
17 Nov 2021