Use Divine Dazzle
Updated this to look for blood rage cooldown and also look for certain monsters, the older version is still underneath.
This will cast the spell if there are 2 or more creatures between 2-6 squares away and have more than 5-% mana.
This will cast the spell if there are 2 or more creatures between 2-6 squares away and have more than 5-% mana.
Script made by Lee (Discord: l33_) -
If you want to support my work, feel free to donate at
PS. Stop ripping off my work and selling it as your own.
local minDist = 2
local maxDist = 6
local mList = {"Minotaur Archer", "Orc", "Monk"}
macro(500, "Divine Dazzle", function()
if isInPz() then return end
local monsters = 0
for i, mob in ipairs(getSpectators(posz())) do
if mob:isMonster() and getDistanceBetween(player:getPosition(), mob:getPosition()) >= minDist and getDistanceBetween(player:getPosition(), mob:getPosition()) <= maxDist and table.contains(mList, mob:getName()) then
monsters = monsters + 1
if (monsters >= 2 and manapercent() > 50 and not modules.game_cooldown.isCooldownIconActive(101) and not modules.game_cooldown.isCooldownIconActive(133)) then
say("exana amp res")
Script made by Lee (Discord: l33_) -
If you want to support my work, feel free to donate at
PS. Stop ripping off my work and selling it as your own.
macro(500, "Divine Dazzle", function()
if isInPz() then return end
local monsters = 0
for i, mob in ipairs(getSpectators(posz())) do
if mob:isMonster() and getDistanceBetween(player:getPosition(), mob:getPosition()) >= 2 and getDistanceBetween(player:getPosition(), mob:getPosition()) <= 6 then
monsters = monsters + 1
if (monsters >= 2 and manapercent() > 50 and not modules.game_cooldown.isCooldownIconActive(101)) then
say("exana amp res")
25 Mar 2022