Dump RootWidget widgets
Script made by Lee (Discord: l33_) - www.trainorcreations.com
If you want to support my work, feel free to donate at https://trainorcreations.com/donate
PS. Stop ripping off my work and selling it as your own.
UI.Button("Dump Widget Ids", function(newText)
local tmp_string = ''
rootWidget = g_ui.getRootWidget()
for i, rootW in pairs(rootWidget:getChildren()) do
tmp_string = tmp_string .. '- '.. rootW:getId() ..'\n'
for i, widget in pairs(rootW:getChildren()) do
tmp_string = tmp_string ..'\t'.. widget:getId()..'\n'
g_resources.writeFileContents("/bot/" .. 'widget_dump.txt', tmp_string)
01 May 2021