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NPC interact right click #58
If you use the newest version of OTCv8 this will work without downloading the updated game-bot.
It needs onAttackingCreatureChange which is in the newer version.
I have included an updated Which is just based off the one included in Evolunia right now as it uses a slightly older bot.
266b | 6 lines.
  Script made by Lee (Discord: l33_) -
  If you want to support my work, feel free to donate at
  PS. Stop ripping off my work and selling it as your own.
onAttackingCreatureChange(function(creature, OldCreature)
  if creature and creature:isNpc() and getDistanceBetween(pos(), creature:getPosition()) <= 3 then
    schedule(10, function() NPC.say("hi") end)
    schedule(1000, function() NPC.say("trade") end)

02 Oct 2021